ROSSOWOLF premium brand means quality and italian design
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ROSSOWOLF Philosophy

The three hungry wolves

The wolf of progress is fed through providing products and services that exceed the needs and expectations of each customer.


The wolf of sales is fed when those who are engaged in selling and servicing ROSSOWOLF products develop relationships with a customer based on mutual trust. Through this relationship, ROSSOWOLF associates, dealers and distributors experience pride and joy in satisfying the customer and in representing ROSSOWOLF to the customer.


The wolf of co-operation is fed when ROSSOWOLF associates and suppliers involved in the design, development, engineering and manufacturing of ROSSOWOLF products recognize a sense of joy in our customers and dealers


ROSSOWOLF brand have always to be linked to quality. Quality according to our understanding means getting something right at the right time instead of eliminating faults afterwards.


For us, quality is the fulfillment of defined requirements for products, services and processes in the sense of a comprehensive quality management. This “Total Quality Management (TQM)” doesn‘t stop at our company gates, on the contrary we are also intensively involved with the quality of our suppliers and sales partners.


Quality is for us one of the most important factors in winning new customers and strengthening customer loyalty.


Trust is the basis for each and every business relationship. Our customers must place their trust in us just as our investors do.


That’s why we are striving hard: to safeguard the reliability of our products, the consistency of our processes, and our company’s sustainability for the future, as well as to improve ourselves.


In order to succeed in all these points, we also have to place our trust: in the regulatory framework of our business, in the quality of our suppliers and in our employees’ competence and sense of responsibility.
Trust doesn‘t mean to leave it to chance, but rather to continue to research, to examine and to question until the risks are calculable.


The relationship among associates at Italia76 should be based on mutual trust. Trust is created by recognizing each other as individuals, helping out where others are deficient, accepting help where we are deficient, sharing our knowledge, and making a sincere effort to fulfill our responsibilities.


We take responsibility: for our decisions, for our transactions, for our products and services – towards our customers and investors, towards our environment and towards the society in which we live.


Taking responsibility means for each one of us to anticipate the consequences of our own actions, to preserve resources, as far as possible, and to observe the laws and guidelines, since compliance is not a buzzword for us – it is the guiding principle for our daily business.


However, responsibility also means that we require responsibility from all of those who work for or with us – our sales partners just as well as our suppliers.


It means not to be bound by preconceived ideas, but to think creatively and act on your own initiative and judgment, while understanding that you must take responsibility for the results of those actions.